Friday, July 30, 2010

So I'm a little behind...

I don't know if anyone has noticed but yes once again I am behind on posting. It has been a crazy busy few months with teaching the kids to cook and clean so I can lay out by the pool all day. But I finally have them trained so I think things will calm down now and I can catch up. We have had so much fun this summer and have been playing hard so I am going to post the first update and a second update in a couple days or weeks or months... :)
Before I start the update
I have to share a funny story that happened last night...
While I was driving Ky to tumble class Steve sent me a text and I started to reply back, so Kylie yelled "Stop texting while you drive" and then Teag added "Ya or you'll run red lights like dad" which has happened more often then it should!!!

New York City

For our wedding anniversary Steve had to be in New York for work, so being the great husband that he is, he flew me out so we could be together. It was a blast we were able to get great tickets to Wicked, we were on the 6th row right in the center of the theater. I forgot to bring my camera to the show so I don't have any pics, Steve did get some on his phone I just haven't gotten them yet. The show was amazing and I am wanting to plan another trip to go see it again. We also explored the city and central park, and of course ate way too many good things.
Here we are in Central Park...
I forgot how big Central Park was, but the last time I went I was in high school with my family, so of course I was too cool to notice things like that!!
Cute purse Steve!!
Workin hard for my money...j/k
Another pic of Central Park.

Kylie's Spring/Summer Activities

We finally signed Kylie up for soccer and softball this year. We waited so long because Kylie decides if she likes a sport by the weather. We put her in T-ball when she was 3 but she cried every game because is was too cold so we let her quit. But this year she really wanted to try again. Luckily we found an indoor soccer league which she really enjoyed and it was fun to watch her play. She was really timid at first and would back away from the ball when it started coming toward her, but by the end of the season she was getting in on all the action.
Ky loved playing softball, and for it being her first time playing she did very well. Teag and I froze at every game, and I am still trying to talk her into playing indoor sports:) Her team only lost one game and ended up taking 2nd place.
Kylie refused to play catcher when her coached asked her, but I told her to give it a try. She did and ended up loving that position, except on rainy games when the ball would hit the ground and splash mud up into her eyes.
And yes Kylie is still in tumbling class. She improves each month and it's so fun to watch all the fun little tricks she learns. The studio she goes to puts on a review at the end of the session, and Kylie always loves to perform her new learned tricks.