Wednesday, July 13, 2011

January, February, and March 2011

It has been a long winter, so to help with our winter blues we decided to take a trip to Disneyland. Steve's mom and dad and his brother and family were going to be there so we thought we better make a fast trip too!!! We took off one morning and drove straight through to California so we would be able to spend a couple days in the parks before we had to head back home to school and work.
Kylie on the swings, she wanted to ride this over and over. There wasn't a line so they let us stay on, big mistake on my part, having morning sickness plus being dizzy is not a good combination.
California cousins, Owen and Eyan with Teag
The big 29, Yes!!! I am still in my twenties, one more year to go:(
Steve had to work on my birthday so my parents and kids surprised me with dinner and a Birthday Donut!!!
Kylie decided she wanted to play Jr. Jazz this year, she did very well and had a lot of fun!!
Do you recognize who this is?
Now do you?
Teagan came downstairs dressed in the picture above and asked me if I knew who he was, when I told him no he ran behind the chair and came back out as Superman, he was Clark Kent in the other picture. He is one silly boy!!!
Another trip to Disneyland
We made another trip to California in February, my mom and dad, me, Kylie, and Teag flew from Idaho and met Steve there. My parents took the kids to Knotts Berry for the first time, and they had a blast.
Kylie and Teagan
My parents were there for the first part of our trip, then they flew home and we stayed and met up with some of Steve's family at Disneyland for the rest of the week!!!
Here are the brave souls who dared to go on the Grizzly Rapids, it was Teagan's first time, he was finally tall enough to go on!!! They were soaking wet when they got off!!!
Hanging out with a little snack waiting for the rain to pass by.
Teagan, Mickey Mouse (in case you were wondering) and Kylie
Teagan watching for Kylie to come home from school
Steve's Birthday Surprise
We don't have much to post about, we really haven't had much going on the last couple months, Steve has been busy with work and Kylie and Teagan have been having fun at school!! But we were able to take a couple fun vacations and enjoy this wonderful cold weather!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

December 2010

I know I haven't been very good about updating my blog, but I have a really good excuse this time. My computer has been giving me fits and I couldn't upload any of my pictures so finally we got a new computer to help with this problem and the many other problems the computer was giving hopefully I will be better. But I'm sure in another 4 months I will have another good excuse for being behind!!!
So I will start the update in December!!!
December was a fun month for us, Kylie was off track the whole month and Steve had 3 weeks off from work so we were able to have some fun. Steve did get pneumonia so that ruined some of his time off, but he was able to join in on the indoor activities.
Kylie and her best friend/cousin Halle
Christmas Morning
I didn't take a lot of pictures on Christmas morning, so we only have a couple pictures. We had a very good Christmas, Santa brought the kids what they asked for and they even got a few surprises. We were in Utah for Christmas Eve and morning but after opening up all the fun presents we got in our truck and headed north to visit family in Idaho. And of course I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures.
Teagan and his new bike!!
Kylie and her new zhu-zhu pet

On Christmas Eve we made reservations for "The Roof "to celebrate and have some yummy dinner (yes I'm lazy and didn't want to make a big dinner so we went out). But the food was so good and It was fun to be in Temple Square Christmas Eve. After dinner we walk to Gateway and the kids were able to pick out a stuffed animal at Build a Bear, a pre-Christmas gift. Then we went home to make cookies for Santa and paint some new Christmas ornament's the kids picked out earlier in the month, and read the Christmas story. Kylie was ready to go to bed around 7:30, but we were able to talk her into staying up for a couple more hours!!!
Every year we get together with the Johnson family a couple days before Christmas. This year we celebrated at Dave and Lynnie's house. We had so much fun and ate way to much yummy food. The kids love to get together with their Johnson cousins and exchange present and play games, and of course they love getting presents from Grammy and Grandpa Johnson too!!
Teagan with his Ninja Turtle Wii game from his grandparents
Kylie and her play doh maker from her grandparents
We took the kids skiing for the first time. We went to Alta and it was probably the worst day ever to take them skiing. The wind was blowing so hard and it was snowing like crazy, needless to say the kids haven't wanted to try it again. Hopefully they will forget about this experience next skiing season!!!
Kylie and her matching doll!!!